Tuesday, 11 October 2016

11 Retro Consoles into 1 TV Wont Go...

Well it does, and it has.

I have a B&O TV with 2 SCART inputs plus 2 other inputs which I dont use, RF and S-Video.

I have an RGB modded Japanese Nintendo 64 with an Everdrive Cartridge which has a SCART output and therefore occupies one of the SCART inputs. Therefore I have 10 other consoles all competing for video time and I have decided to go the composite cable route, as none of my other consoles have any special features.

I bought an 8-way Composite input box from Amazon for about £20.

7 consoles goes into this and the remaining 3 share a 3 port composite switcher which I hope will not degrade the picture quality too much. We shall see. The 3 hanging off this 2nd switch will most likely be the consoles I use the least of have such a bad video signal that it wont matter too much, e.g. NES.

I am also planning on switching around the power supply set up as I hate the idea of leaving any of these retro consoles powered on.

Hoping to move house in the next 12 months, and I intend to leave the B&O TV behind as it doesnt have the picture adjustment option which is present on most other B&O TVs I have seen. Its an upgraded feature which is too much to mess around with.

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